I put it on repeat for god knows how many times.
It ain't fantastic, but the guys' solo lines really moved me.
The song doesn't need to be perfect to touch others' hearts. It wasn't our best, but it was the best we could do at the moment.
The more I listen to it, the more I miss AHSchoir.
I miss the times where I have to visit the music room three times a week for practices.
I miss the times where we learn and combine a new song.
I miss the times ...
The dream I have now, is to sing sleep, lux arumque, luk luk lumbu, credo, ave maris stella, dumbelle, voyage of songs and gloria (the one in sec one) together with the choir.
Months ago I wanted to join band in jc (because the music was really grand and sorta like an orchestra) but well, I think i'll join choir afterall because I'll miss the music we can produce. Too much. Please hope i'll develop a better voice by then so they'll take me in.
I regret not participating in DSA cause I didn't want to be restricted. My two choices are VJC and MJC now. Not that i can get in, but at least I would have tried.
found MJC's luk luk lumbu for olomouc mundi cantant:
gosh, i miss singing luk luk so much. so much. just that...I'm not entitled to sing it. Don't let me elaborate.
The computer kills if you're studying. Anyway, pat sent me scores to joe hisaishi's summer, and so i began clicking on EVERY SINGLE joe hisaishi video on youtube. you've got to admit he's a genius. Nobuo Uematsu too. Japanese music = (Y) Classical music is (Y) too! so is pop! (Y)
I hopped into yamaha today, the sopranino recorder caught my eye so i bought it. Its a smaller version of the recorder but in dark brown and something like an octave higher. Couldn't compare it with a normal one cause it was still wet. So now i have a fife, a normal recorder and a sopranino. Gosh i think i just like collecting them, shall play when i'm free (NOT NOW EMMA YOU HAVE TO STUDY YOU HAVEN'T STARTED!)
Its also been 10+days since i've played the piano and I've missed it so much! I think I only got to enjoy myself for half an hour before my mom started scolding me lol. dammit, i still haven't started studying because the videos on youtube distract me.
don't get me started on family guy I AM NOT GOING TO WATCH FAMILY GUY I AM NOT!
11 june
isabel: EMMA!!! thanks so much for the lovely note im really glad that im still special to you. just want you to know you're very special to me too (: was glad to be bunking with you again!
isabel: haha it made me feel grown up XD and the only reason im tagging at this hour is because i still got jet lag.. grrr..
isabel: hey do a real detailed post k? i always liked to read them. jiayous for mugging!
{ISABELL!! glad you liked it so i've bunked with you for everysinglechoirtrip omg hahaha! yay :D why do you feel grown up O: hahaha and i FINALLY broke my jet lag!}
Jason: yay i broke my jet-lag alrdy!
Jason: haha...own you, isabel!
{that was faster than mine!! but still, WE OWN YOU, JASON. hahaha}
gtgw: i'm still jet lagging
{bet you've already broken it!}
jiaye: hey emma thanks for everything in olomouc i love you girl.

{hey jiaye thanks too girl i love you too! to your house and shopping off we go!! :D}
gtgw: crazy gal
gtgw: nah
gtgw: juz happen to see it
gtgw: lol
gtgw: i juz on com la dumb
{what crazy gal i think you love your blog too much there ain't no rectifying to do haha}
peixuan: ahahahaha.. OLOMOUC! OLOMOUC! OLOMOUC! OLOMOUC! OLOMOUC! OLOMOUC! ahahaha.. =) rarh. D=
yingjun: omg emma i'll really miss you loads after you leave choir! and like what peixuan said it's not gonna be the same anymore! come back often okayyyy. and jiayou for your MYEs we'll be rooting for you!
{yes yingjun and i'll miss you LOADS TOO you retard JUN! haha yay i'm happy to hear that but you've still gotta live life hahaha! okay I SHALL JIAYOU AND STUDY TOMORROW! thanks! :D}
isabel: damn you suan me on emma's blog?!
isabel: haha okay emma i'll be waiting for your nice long detailed post! (:
{haha AWW couple's quarrel :D its up! :D}
jiaye: ew why is godwin spamming.
{he's spamming one word sentences ahhh}
gtgw: lol
Ray other: hey yo!! welcome back and congrats ^^
{HEY YO! yup thanks! :D}
YSQUARE:D: I SEE MEEEE xD. i bet CJY still hasn't deleted THE photo! D; hahah.
{HAHA yes I SEE YOU TOOOOO! xD i can bet 100 bucks for that hahaha! yo CYY i realised your sister is CJY too! omg}
isabel: ahh emma help me i cannot see your posts on your blog!!!
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